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Release TheMovieDB movie scraper - PYTHON version
Image Python Scraper for Movies

Site used: https://www.themoviedb.org/
Status: Working for Kodi v18 and later.

Python TheMovieDB scraper for Movies is a Python scraper (wiki) for Movies and Movie Collections used by KODI.
The scraper relies on matching your folder and filenames to movie titles at TheMovieDB site. For this reason, it is important to ensure your folders and files are correctly and cleanly named for an accurate scrape.

It is available in the official Kodi repo for Leia.

This scraper will download the following:
Artwork: Poster and Fanart URLs for Movie and Movie Sets, Actor image URLs.
Metadata: Numerous.

Known Issues
Nil known.

This scraper is available from the Kodi Official Repository for v18 and later
Find it in Settings>Add-ons>Install from repository>Information providers>Movie information

On GitHub: https://github.com/xbmc/metadata.themoviedb.org.python

Visit the wiki for an explanation of the scraper settings and other features...
The Movie DB Python (wiki)

The following links may assist with setting up your library:
How to Create your Video Library (wiki)

Solutions to common scraping problems (wiki)
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Couple of things after testing:

- Maybe the old XML scraper should be renamed from "The Movie Database" to "The Movie Database XML" so its obvious which one is being used.
- Choosing GB as the certification rating doesn't seem to work. I still get US ratings.
- Basic settings on the scraper settings should really show the Language and (and possibly preferred country certification) I think.

Nice to haves:

- More of a feature request, but can the IMDB and TMDB ratings be scraped independently to something like ratingIMDB and ratingTMDB database fields? It would reduce the scraper options. Maybe even add rotten tomatoes as well. Skins would look awesome with these 3 ratings. I don't see why there needs to be endless options for these.
- Would also love to see the IMDB top250 added to this

Everything else worked as expected with my simple test library, other than the known issues already mentioned.

(2019-06-10, 11:03)docwra Wrote: - Choosing GB as the certification rating doesn't seem to work. I still get US ratings.
I was caught out by this as well, as I am sure many others will. The Settings option on the Set Content screen of the Source has no affect.
You need to adjust your settings in the Add-ons screen- Settings>Add-ons>My Add-ons>Information Providers>Movie information

I am sure this will be fixed further down the track.

(2019-06-10, 11:03)docwra Wrote: - Basic settings on the scraper settings should really show the Language and (and possibly preferred country certification) I think.
Maybe I misunderstand, but they are shown- Preferred Language and Preferred Certification Country
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(2019-06-10, 11:29)Karellen Wrote: - Basic settings on the scraper settings should really show the Language and (and possibly preferred country certification) I think.
Maybe I misunderstand, but they are shown- Preferred Language and Preferred Certification Country 

I meant on basic settings level view:

Weird... I do not have Setting Levels. Using v18.3 nightly
EDIT- Levels are in v19 nightlies

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Yeh I thought it was a bit weird. Not sure that granularity is needed on the scrapers.
(2019-06-10, 11:03)docwra Wrote: - Choosing GB as the certification rating doesn't seem to work. I still get US ratings.

Can you double check that you are changing this setting from Settings>Add-ons>My Add-ons>Information Providers>Movie information?

Others are on the list.

(2019-06-12, 04:22)rmrector Wrote:
(2019-06-10, 11:03)docwra Wrote: - Choosing GB as the certification rating doesn't seem to work. I still get US ratings.

Can you double check that you are changing this setting from Settings>Add-ons>My Add-ons>Information Providers>Movie information?

Others are on the list.


Just tested and same result, I still get US ratings.

EDIT: Actually on re adding the source and removing nfo files it appears to be working now. Sorry for the noise.
Took down some easy ones this weekend.

First PR fixes IMDB info. Resolves "1. IMDB Ratings not retrieved" and "6. IMDB Top 250", and "7. IMDB and TMDB ratings scraped independently" mostly worked anyhow once "1." was fixed.

Second PR "adds" a setting for the "Certificate Prefix", resolving "5. Allow user edit MPAA prefix". The setting and code for this already existed, this PR just shows the setting and adds a label.

Third PR adds an option for single or multiple studios for studio logo matching, resolving "3. Multiple Studios returned that breaks Studio Icon lookup".
Tested the three PR's and all worked as advertised Smile Thanks!!
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Nice! Loving the possibilities python is now giving scrapers Smile
Updated to 0.6.0. It generally has feature parity with the XML scraper.

Feature Request:

We suggest members use a Parsing NFO file when the correct movie cannot be found by the scraper. This requires a user to leave and work outside of the Kodi GUI. Easy on a Windows pc, not so easy for those using dedicated boxes.

Is it possible to enter the IMDB ID or TMDB ID in the Enter the movie name screen and the scraper to search on the ID? (I actually thought this was possible at one time, but seems not. Maybe there was a regression at some point?)


I imaging most people will have a smart phone or tablet on the couch next to them with the IMDB app installed. It would be quick and easy to look up the ID.
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(2019-09-18, 05:46)Karellen Wrote: Is it possible to enter the IMDB ID or TMDB ID in the Enter the movie name screen and the scraper to search on the ID? (I actually thought this was possible at one time, but seems not. Maybe there was a regression at some point?)

That definitely used to be possible.

Edit: quick search turns up https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid2626662
Edit2: still works with Universal Scraper not working with TMDB xml
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TheMovieDB movie scraper - PYTHON version0