How to filter content in custom main menu items based on source name?
I can do this in default Kodi skin but I can't add main menu items in default skin.

So I want to use Aeon mq8 add custom main menu items such as kids Movies and then filter movies based on source name is kids.

Is there a way to do this in Aeon?

If the animated movies are in a separate directory, you can make a smart playlist with the "Path" and "Contains" (or not contains) options, then set a main menu item for a smart playlist & rename it appropriately. I do this so I have Movies, TV, Animated Movies, and Anime categories.
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(2019-06-27, 22:17)Karellen Wrote: Custom home items (wiki)

Thanks can i do this with a xbox one?
Sorry, don't know. I don't have an xbox, so never been able to test on them.
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(2019-06-27, 20:07)NavySealsGuy Wrote: If the animated movies are in a separate directory, you can make a smart playlist with the "Path" and "Contains" (or not contains) options, then set a main menu item for a smart playlist & rename it appropriately. I do this so I have Movies, TV, Animated Movies, and Anime categories.

Thanks I tried that but smart playlist just shows you a list of all your smart playlists I want to go directly into that play list off the main menu.

There is option: "+Video playlist"  in skin settings, just select your playlist and rename.
Go to settings, submenu customize main menu item, now in any default item or empty item, use replace function, in the right side, choose +Video Playlist (enter), choose one, rename the item, done. Now you have the item in the main menu.
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(2019-06-28, 18:04)Wanilton Wrote: Go to settings, submenu customize main menu item, now in any default item or empty item, use replace function, in the right side, choose +Video Playlist (enter), choose one, rename the item, done. Now you have the item in the main menu.

Thanks exactly what I was Looking for I was choosing Video Playlists and not Video Playlist.

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How to filter content in custom main menu items based on source name?3