Easy question about XBMC
this should be an easy question. i am running evox and am able to use xbmc thru the dvd that i burnt but when i try to run it from the harddrive i get nothing. what directory should i put the xbmc files in and is there a certain format that it needs to be in (i.e. c:\apps\xbmc\Wink i am quite lost. thanx for any help.
you can put it in any folder you want. maybe you have to edit the evox.ini to create a menuitem for it.
read the xbmc online-manual, faq and search the forums before posting! do not e-mail the xbmc-team asking for support!
read/follow the forum rules! note! team-xbmc never have and never will host or distribute ms-xdk binaries/executables!
hah that fixed it. sweet thanx :d

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Easy question about XBMC0