Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Upgraded 18.2 to 18.3 -- lost data since upgrade from Jarvis.
I've been running confuence/Leia/Win10, and with time on my hands went from 18.2 to 18.3. It switched me to Estuary skin, so I upgraded Confluence and switched back to it. Then I noticed:
  • All library updates since April (date I upgraded to Leia from Jarvis) had vanished
  • Watched status for non-library items had vanished back through April
  • I was quietly sobbing!
Amongst my .dbs, I have MyVideos107.db and MyVideos116.db, both dated today. I rather suspect that, somehow, the Leia upgrade took my old Jarvis .db and converted that to Leia, rather than using my extant Leia .db!

I'd be happy if somebody could inform me that that was not the case, and point me to instructions for resurrecting my watched statuses. Failing that, a soupcon of commiseration! Smile
Are you using a MySQL/MariaDB database or the default Kodi SQL databases?

Debug Log that captures an Update Library may help.
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(2019-08-13, 00:49)Karellen Wrote: Are you using a MySQL/MariaDB database or the default Kodi SQL databases?

Debug Log that captures an Update Library may help.

Nope, still haven't made that brave leap -- still using the default SQLite dbs.

I only have .log and .old.log -- and I've closed and restarted kodi a couple of times since upgrade. None of the upgrade events are contained therein. The oldest part I have is: "Starting Kodi (18.3 Git:20190619-89472b7d69). Platform: Windows NT x86 64-bit" ... etc. Oops, did I do that?

Anyway, I was hoping the db names were tied to the kodi version, and a simple answer might be had.
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(2019-08-13, 02:50)Karellen Wrote:
Did I say Jarvis, when I meant Krypton? Smile

So yeah, that looks like what happened. Going from 18.2 to 18.3, reconverted my Krypton database from April, and ignored my Leia database. Obviously, it's pretty easy to reload my movies, but those precious watched statuses ... oh, would that I had taken the advice, and backed up first!

This may be a bug! Wink
If you provide a Debug Log, I can look at what Kodi is doing with databases.

No, there is no bug. Something went wrong with your upgrade. There is no difference in databases between v18.2 and v18.3. If you still have the MyVideos116.db from before the upgrade to v18.3, then delete the new one and replace it with the original one.
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(2019-08-13, 03:04)Karellen Wrote: If you provide a Debug Log, I can look at what Kodi is doing with databases.

No, there is no bug. Something went wrong with your upgrade. There is no difference in databases between v18.2 and v18.3. If you still have the MyVideos116.db from before the upgrade to v18.3, then delete the new one and replace it with the original one.

Sorry, I sometimes confuse 'something went wrong' with bug ... must be all those years as a software engineer! Those same years that led me to not have a backup! Wink

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Upgraded 18.2 to 18.3 -- lost data since upgrade from Jarvis.0