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Best way to rescan wrongly scraped shows

I recently had to reinstall Kodi, which is usually pretty a quick exercise for me since I use a MySQL DB on the backend. This time though, when I set it up, I must have made a mistake because Kodi removed all of my TV shows from my library then readded them. No major harm done as it appeared to retain the watch state for all of my individual episodes, however I noticed that some shows were scraped incorrectly. The end result is I have ~5 shows listed that I don't have episodes for, and within those shows, there are multiple shows worth of episodes.

I would like to rescrape these episodes so they get categorized correctly, but my question is what is the best way to accomplish this? Do I just remove the wrong shows and update my library, or is there something else I have to do? Keep in mind that my episodes are spread out across multiple wrong TV shows at the moment so I can't simply update each TV show/s metadata.

Thanks for your help!

Are you using NFO Files created by a media manager? Maybe Sonarr/Radarr?
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Yes I have used a media manager to get all of my NFO files created. I spot checked the episodes that were wrongly categorized and they appeared to be fine.

I ended up removing the source to clean up the database and I am in the process of readding the source. So far so good, I'm not sure what happened that caused this issue but hopefully it was a one time thing
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