Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Add NFO Files to existing TV Series folders without renaming the existing TV episodes
I want to add NFO files to some of my tv series folders.  The primary reason is to indicate to me which episodes have audio commentary tracks.  So for example for those episodes they would show up as "Commentary - Nameof Epsiode"

I have already done this for a group of episodes but when I went to look at how Kodi treated these, I discovered that Kodi ignored the NFO files.  I determined that I could do what I want simply by first renaming each affected episode from something like "TVShow_s01e01.mkv" to "TVShow_s01e01c.mkv"  and then of course have the related nfo file reflect the addition of the "c" to the file.  Then I can go ahead and use the "Clean Library" function to remove the episodes that no longer exist.

But I am wondering if there is anyway to get Kodi to recognize the new NFO files for the group of episodes that I already worked on where I did not change the names.  Otherwise I have to go back and change the NFO filenames and the mkv file names for a large group of episodes where I had not changed the mkv file name before creating the nfo files.

Thanks for any assistance, Ken
FWIW - I realize there is another option.  Instead of renaming all of the files (in my case by adding a "c"), I can also delete all of those files, then "Clean Library".  Then copy the files back from my backup NAS.  While the "total" time involved would be more than the other way...the actual amount of time that I spend will be less since the copying time...while time  consuming...can be done without my input and I can go and do other things while that goes on.  Not as good as somehow getting KODI to recognize the new NFO files in the first place...but still an option.

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Add NFO Files to existing TV Series folders without renaming the existing TV episodes0