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Smart Playlist help - some files missing
I have been trying this for days now!  I am trying to make a smart playlist that will list all shows that have a path that begins with 'smb://'.

I am using MYSQL syncing.

I have it partially working, but TV shows that are in the 'TV Shows' library are not being listed in the Smart Playlist.  HOWEVER, if I change the content type to episodes, they show up fine.

For example, I have 6.5 seasons of the show Arrow that are in my 'TV drive', and I have 6 episodes on my 'Recorded TV' drive.  I am trying to make a playlist that will only show the recorded episodes on the Recorded TV drive, but ANY series that is also on the TV Drive, and shows up under the 'TV Shows' main menu item will not be displayed.

What am I doing wrong?

As a side note, I had a series (Pandora) that scraped the wrong Meta Data, and it was showing up fine until I corrected it, then it disappeared! 

All episodes do show up under the normal TV Shows item.
Post the xml file for the smart playlist or a screenshot of the smart playlist.

Do I understand that you want only the 6 episodes to show up? The last part of that sentence is ambiguous so not sure if you want TV Drive to show up or not.
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Thanks for responding.  Basically, I only want things that are in the Recorded TV folder to show up.  Nothing else.  Here is the XML.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="tvshows">
    <rule field="path" operator="startswith">
There are a few series that are in 2 locations, but the episodes are only in 1 of those other words:

    Season 07
       Arrow - S07E01

smb:// TV
      Season 07
         Arrow - S07E02
   So You Think You Can Dance
   The Outpost

In the above file structure, Arrow won't show up in the playlist since the 'Series' is in 2 locations.  Hope that makes sense.

Looking at this though, I might have figured it out...I probably have to add a rule that has the other location, so that both rules are true...then it should only show them if they are in BOTH places.  I'll try that and report back...
#4 is the new riule, and it still has the same problem:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="tvshows">
    <rule field="path" operator="startswith">
    <rule field="path" operator="startswith">
What happens if you change..



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(2019-08-26, 02:29)Karellen Wrote: What happens if you change..



Then it shows all items, not just the files in Recorded TV.
Ultimately, I am trying to put a 'Recorded TV' on the main roller menu so that I can go directly to shows that I have recorded, but not watched yet.  Maybe there is a different way?
So I noticed something new.  Files that are in the Recorded TV Media Source that are also located in the TV Media Source do not show as TV Shows, which is why they are not showing in the playlist (I assume).  Is it not possible to have a single TV show split across 2 drives?
(2019-08-27, 00:35)ixalthim Wrote: So I noticed something new.  Files that are in the Recorded TV Media Source that are also located in the TV Media Source do not show as TV Shows, which is why they are not showing in the playlist (I assume).  Is it not possible to have a single TV show split across 2 drives?
the above isn't entirely true...they don't show any scraped info in the Recorded TV Media Source, but they do actually show up as a TV Show in the TV Shows section, so I'm still at a loss.
Looks like I finally fixed this!  It appears that the space in my path was causing the issue.  The original path was smb:// TV.  I changed it to smb://, and everything started working correctly.
sigh.  nope, it only stays fixed until I restart the software.  Then it re-scans, and some of the shows disappear again.  so weird!
OK.  I give up.  It doesn't appear that this works at all in Kodi.  You can't have the same series on 2 separate drives.  It just doesn't work.
I'm fairly sure you're hitting the exact same problem I am.  As I've discovered, TV Shows don't support more than one path in the Kodi database so when you try to separate them based on path, you only ever see one version.

I also posted a Feature Request for a way around this.
yep...exact same issue.   Thanks.

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Smart Playlist help - some files missing0