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Editing advanced settings in Coreelec
I am not to familiar with Linux, currently am running an Odroid N2 with Coreelec. When seeking to change things like
keyboard.xml would the best method (for a windows guy) be to plug in the emmc to my PC and make the changes from there?

I am uncertain if these files are writable from there. Thought I would ask before I went and broke something.
Such OS-specific questions should be asked on the CoreElec forums rather than here.
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Kodi Blog Posts
(2019-09-19, 10:23)DarrenHill Wrote: Such OS-specific questions should be asked on the CoreElec forums rather than here.

Well I saw there was a bunch of os sections here. Is it that different between os's for Kodi settings?

I'll ask over there as well thanks.
This is actually outside of the Kodi app (editing one of the support files), whereas the other sections are for support for Kodi itself on those OS's.

Yes it can be very different, as is the access method even between similar OS's like LibreElec, CoreElec and OSMC plus of course dependencies brought in by the different supported devices.

So for these "wider" issues and support requests relating to the OS itself we always refer to the specific OS forums.
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Kodi Blog Posts
The methods would be identical to those for libreelec or openelec.
Easiest way is to open an explorer window and type "\\CoreELEC" in the address bar.  You'll hopefully see a bunch of shares pop up, one of which is userdata. 
Advancedsettings.xml is in there, you can open it in a text editor (Notepad++ is a good choice) and edit it from your pc.

You won't see any of those files if you connect to a windows pc via usb, as they're on an ext4 partition and windows can't read that.
(2019-09-19, 16:12)DarrenHill Wrote: This is actually outside of the Kodi app (editing one of the support files), whereas the other sections are for support for Kodi itself on those OS's.

Yes it can be very different, as is the access method even between similar OS's like LibreElec, CoreElec and OSMC plus of course dependencies brought in by the different supported devices.

So for these "wider" issues and support requests relating to the OS itself we always refer to the specific OS forums.

Ok that makes sense thank you.

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Editing advanced settings in Coreelec0