Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Going from LibreElec to CoreElec
Can I Backup my database/thumbnails/watched list from LibreElec and import that into CoreElec?

I'm going from an Odroid C2 (LibreElec) to the Odroid N2( CoreElec) since I purchased the CoreElec edition of the N2
(2019-09-29, 20:26)SilverBlade Wrote: since I purchased the CoreElec edition of the N2
In that case, I'm sure the people over at the CoreELEC forum will be anxious to help you.
Is CoreELEC discussion not allowed here now?

Asking for a friend.
Such discussion is allowed (note this thread is not in the bin), but stuff that is OS specific (be it CoreElec, LibreElec or OSMC) will tend to be routed to their own forums so that people with more deep knowledge of what may be specific for those set-ups can answer more than we can. Of course we have more OSMC and LE devs around here than we do CE ones, so in this case it's also due to a lesser chance of them actually answering here.

There have been a few examples where these distros have changed how parts of Kodi function, and so there is a risk that our answers and support may be either inaccurate or totally wrong, so we have to tread a little more carefully than we do with reference Kodi.

Similarly we don't answer deep questions about Windows or Android set-up, at least unless it's a commonly known item.
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Thanks for the clarification Darren.
(2019-09-29, 20:26)SilverBlade Wrote: Can I Backup my database/thumbnails/watched list from LibreElec and import that into CoreElec?

I'm going from an Odroid C2 (LibreElec) to the Odroid N2( CoreElec) since I purchased the CoreElec edition of the N2
You should be able to make a backup with LE's backup addon on your C2 and restore that on your N2.
If that fails what you actually need from the C2 is:
  • storage/.kodi/userdata/Database/MyVideosxx.db (where xx is the highest number present)
  • storage/.kodi/userdata/Thumbnails
  • storage/.kodi/userdata/Database/Textures13.db
  • storage/'kodi/userdata/sources.xml
  • storage/'kodi/userdata/mediasources.xml (if it exists)
  • storage/'kodi/userdata/passwords.xml (if it exists)
As long as you have those you can restore your library.

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Going from LibreElec to CoreElec0