2019-11-08, 20:39
I knew I forgot one. I've decllined "es" but added es_ES.
(2019-11-08, 16:21)sualfred Wrote: @nessusYes!... that's it.
I guess that is what you wanted.
## Run the script / context menu
The script can be called with the context menu or RunScript() commands (useful for skinners).
A library updating task can be started by starting the addon itself.
Context menu entries:
* `Metadata Editor` / `Open Editor` = Editor dialog or sub menu if more options are available
* `Add/remove available genres` = Quickly edit the genres which the item belongs to
* `Add/remove available tags` = Quickly edit the tags which the item belongs to
* `Add/remove favourite tag` = Shortcut to toggle the library tags `Movie Watchlist`, `TV Show Watchlist` and `Music Video Watchlist`. Can be used to create custom splitted favourite widgets (like a watchlist).
* `Update ratings` = Will update ratings by using the OMDb and TMDb API
RunScript calls:
* `RunScript(script.metadata.editor,dbid=$INFO[ListItem.DBID],type=$INFO[ListItem.DBType])` = opens editor
* `RunScript(script.metadata.editor,action=setgenres,dbid=$INFO[ListItem.DBID],type=$INFO[ListItem.DBType])` = opens genre selector
* `RunScript(script.metadata.editor,action=settags,dbid=$INFO[ListItem.DBID],type=$INFO[ListItem.DBType])` = opens tags selector
* `RunScript(script.metadata.editor,action=togglefav,dbid=$INFO[ListItem.DBID],type=$INFO[ListItem.DBType])` = toggle watchlist tag
* `RunScript(script.metadata.editor,action=updaterating,dbid=$INFO[ListItem.DBID],type=$INFO[ListItem.DBType])` = Updates rating for the requested item
* `RunScript(script.metadata.editor,action=updaterating)` = Updates all movie and TV show ratings
* `RunScript(script.metadata.editor,action=updaterating,type=movie)` = Updates all ratings for movies
* `RunScript(script.metadata.editor,action=updaterating,type=tvshow)` = Updates all ratings for TV shows
(2019-11-10, 09:03)sualfred Wrote: 1 -> Works fine hereStill not working here. Tried on two different Win10 computers. Kodi v18.5 nightly. Nothing in the log is shown for the add-on.
*Not sure about the <albumArtistCredits>. Possibly best to leave it out.xml:<genre></genre>
<rating max="10"></rating>
<userrating max="10"></userrating>
2019-11-10 08:39:27.795 T:18756 NOTICE: [ script.metadata.editor ] --> JSON CALL: {
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "AudioLibrary.SetartistDetails",
"params": {
"artistid": 3,
"description": "test asdkfasdf"
2019-11-10 08:39:27.796 T:18756 NOTICE: [ script.metadata.editor ] --> JSON RESULT: {
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": "OK"
(2019-11-10, 09:03)sualfred Wrote: 2 -> Hmmm... JSON returns "OK" for setting it but I've noticed that "votes" is missing in "Audio.Details.Song" scheme in methods.json. @DaveBlake I guess this needs another PR, doesn't it?Both schema and code will need to change for this. No surprize, the changes to rating (to make it similar to video) was a botched job by someone else, I have been fixing the implementation ever since. Grrr....
(2019-11-10, 09:03)sualfred Wrote: 3 -> The music editing is a little bit strange and I don't know which values are save to offer as editing field. Editing the artist name to "blalblablbalbalbalbal" and it still shows albums of the artist "Metallica" looks like a messed up database. @DaveBlake I know that the music DB is your playground. What values are save to be editable and which not?SetArtistDetails should change the artist name, I will test when I get back. Although it is something I would be tempted not to offer because artist names are also held as denormalised data in other tables so the user may not see the effects that they want. See my previous post.