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Removing TV Shows
Im wondering how to remove tv shows from xbmc. I keep removing old shows that I no longer watch and they keep reappearing. I have even remove the folders from my server.
Have you tried cleaning the library?

Settings > Video > Library > Clean Library

Check your database using sqlite3 or similar. They'll be there because the paths are in the path table, possibly with content set on them. Clear them out from there and they should not reappear.
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Why would I need to go into the db and remove the shows, shouldnt xbmc clear those out?
anyone that can shed some light as to how your suppose to remove tv shows from XBMC?
In file view make sure that the content set for the TV folder is set to "None" so that future library updates/scans don't re-add it: Adding videos to the library/Removing videos (wiki). This should also pop up a window asking if you want to update the library with this change which should remove the show. If it doesn't, you can simply select it in library view and bring up the contextual menu and select "remove from library".
"Remove from library" doesn't work if the directory containing the show had been removed. It seems that the show is still in the db and when "Update library" is done, the show is re-added. "Clean library" worked, however.
(2012-04-24, 06:18)jmarshall Wrote: Check your database using sqlite3 or similar. They'll be there because the paths are in the path table, possibly with content set on them. Clear them out from there and they should not reappear.

I tried it (delete from path table), and the library clean feature did not remove the TvShow from video db.
Deleting from tvshow table did the trick : no more record of the deleted TvShow

(Im working on a SQLite query that will remove records in the tvshow table for which no related video file is found, in case of success, ill post it there)
(2019-11-10, 16:43)cmakfr Wrote:
(2012-04-24, 06:18)jmarshall Wrote: Check your database using sqlite3 or similar. They'll be there because the paths are in the path table, possibly with content set on them. Clear them out from there and they should not reappear.

I tried it (delete from path table), and the library clean feature did not remove the TvShow from video db.
Deleting from tvshow table did the trick : no more record of the deleted TvShow

(Im working on a SQLite query that will remove records in the tvshow table for which no related video file is found, in case of success, ill post it there) 
You do realise you've bumped a 6 year old discussion?  Start a new thread, describe your problem, include a debug log, sit back and brace yourself.
Nope did not look at timestamp...
There is a new thread :

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Removing TV Shows0