Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Weather option for Celsius or Fahrenheit?
sounds like the romanian langinfo.xml is borken then. your language is romanian? you should have two regions to choose from, 'romania' and 'rep of moldova'. both of these use celsius. thus i suspect you're running english. you set the region in appearance settings. set it to 'central europe' if you're using english lang.
Nope, it isn`t, i`m stupid. I forgot to set the actual XBMC region (not the weather settings) to Central Europe. Fixed now. Thanks.
Can we have a celsias option for the weather plz Smile
celsias, is that like the viagra medicine?
set your region. region dictates celsius/fahrenheit, 12h/24h etc.
well i'm set to region correctly but it's still F and we use C
well, then submit a patch with proper langinfo details. you find these in languages/<lang>/langinfo.xml
Just set it to something that uses C.
Indian (12h) works. Not sure about what other implications that has elsewhere, but it works.

I think it's because the UK is still on F for temperature (and miles for distance).
Not the Weather location but the actual XBMC Region setting?
In kodi 17 go to Settings > Interface setting >Regional . Here under unit setting you can tweek not only the temp but also various other display units
(2010-02-09, 14:13)am-ham Wrote: How can I get temperatur displayed in Celsius instead of Fahrenheit in WEATHER?

I understand this is an old thread, wanted to update the settings for anyone seeking help as I was tonight and found it on a youtube video....
Simple quick 2 minute change...

Depending on skin/build go to System/Settings then Interface...
Select Regional/International___Scroll down until you see Temperature Unit--Select and change to the desired setting.

[link removed]

Or you could check the wiki...
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I've removed the Youtube link as it comes from a channel that is filled with videos about piracy video streaming addons.

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Weather option for Celsius or Fahrenheit?0