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mysql library issues
I currently have several kodi clients all connecting to a mysql db installed on my linux server.

I'm upgrading to a new server and followed the instructions on setting up mysql again. I changed the advancedsettings.xml file of a single client so that it refers to the IP address of the new server. I thought everything was working fine because I managed to add and scan folders for both TV and movie content. I let this run for a while and came back later to check the progress.

It looks like everything has been scanned and I dont get a message saying my library is empty when trying to access the TV and Movies library. However, I dont see anything in my library and if I try to select Genre or Titles nothing happens.

Here is a link to my log file:

It looks like the table movie_view table does not exist in the LIBRARY_NAME116 database. I have no idea why this would be the case.

A couple of things...

When replacing servers, for Kodi it's best and easiest to assign the same IP address to the server in your router setup.
Kodi stores full paths to its videos, including ip address, hostname and the rest of the network path.

2019-12-11 11:16:43.951 T:10422 ERROR: SQL: [MasterLeia116] The table does not exist
Something went wrong during the initialization/creation of the various database tables.
It's possible that your database server user ('kodi') did not have sufficient rights to create database views for the alternate database names "MasterLeia".
Doublecheck via PHPMyAdmin or MySQL Workbench (or your mysql tool of preference) what the current rights are for that user.

Also: why are you giving the video database and the music database the same name? Kodi should tell them apart via its version number suffix, but .. its not very logical.
Did you assign the correct database user rights for those databases?
Hmm, "view" creation probably failed when creating/updating db, I've seen this but on mysql 8.0.18 server, not sure if it's the same issue on 5.7.28, need to see the debug log when Kodi creates/update the dbs.
It's actually trigger creation issue, views don't get created because of previous trigger error, and this is mysql server configuration issue, not Kodi issue.

In order to make sure that this is the same error:
First we need to fix what Klojum pointed out first - video and music need to be different databases.
Make sure you have debug log enabled.
Stop Kodi.
In advanced settings add a suffix to your dbs like
Start Kodi.
Don't scan anything to library.
Give Kodi like 5 minutes just in case.
Provide the debug log after kodi has started.

If it's the same mysql server config caveat I'll tell how to fix it on mysql server.
Thanks both of you. It's still not clear exactly what the problem is because I've tried dropping the kodi user and the databases and start over but I still don't get all the required tables.

I managed to get everything working by installing mysql 5.5.

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