Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
keymap for minimizing information in fullscreenvideo
Hi guys,
running kodi 18.5 on coreelec.
I'm trying to figure out how to minimize information without exiting the playback to homescreen.
currently, without any custom keyboard.xml file, if I click "i" and show information during playback, and then click "backspace" to close it, the video returns to home screen.
how can I make backspace minimize/close/return from the information popup to regular fullscreen video playback?

I can use a keyboard.xml to map backspace to noop in fullscreenvideo so that it never returns to home screen, but still the only way to minimize the information is pressing "i" again, and backspace will not close it..

how can achieve this?

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keymap for minimizing information in fullscreenvideo0