2020-01-16, 23:18
Before I go through the process of getting logs and pasting, etc., are there any known issues where getting URLs from pluto.tv return a 400 such as:
The same thing I am trying to play (as a guest) plays fine on the pluto.tv website.
If a 400 error from pluto.tv doesn't immediately ring any bells for anyone, I can gather up a log.
2020-01-16 16:07:18.225 T:139896009733888 ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 400 for https://service-stitcher.clusters.pluto.tv/stitch/hls/episode/5a591b472aee82cc6ec114f7/master.m3u8?deviceType=web&deviceMake=&deviceModel=&sid=1cdd9f6238a311eaa4&deviceId=4d429f0096de4762bb&deviceVersion=unknown&appVersion=unknown&deviceDNT=0&userId=&advertisingId=&deviceLat=[redacted]&deviceLon=[redacted]&app_name=&appName=&appStoreUrl=&architecture=&buildVersion=&includeExtendedEvents=false:
The same thing I am trying to play (as a guest) plays fine on the pluto.tv website.
If a 400 error from pluto.tv doesn't immediately ring any bells for anyone, I can gather up a log.