Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
OSMC : Streaming H.265 content gives black screen with audio
I hope this is the right board to ask this in as i believe this isn't an issue that is OS dependant from what i found online. Also i did find an older topic with no resolution on this but didn't want to necro that year old topic (

I have some files that are encoded in h.265, when playing them directly with kodi outputting to the it all works perfectly fine, playing it directly in vlc on my pc works fine. However when streaming this to my pc from the webinterface, or to another tv using chromecast i only get audio and a black screen. Streaming it to my phone with a remote app (using yatse) does work. I'm finding threads in several places outside this forum saying it doesn't work for people but also people who say it does work. Something i did see mentioned in the tread above is to disable "mediacodec and mediacodec surface" but i can't find that anywhere in the settings, where could i find this, is it possible this got renamed?

Debug log of me first playing one of the problematic files on kodi locally, then streaming it to my pc with the webinterface:
sample file of the first 10 seconds of the file (i hope this isn't a copyright problem? doesn't show anything but the WB intro) is attached:

can anyone else me or is there any more info i could/should provide?
I've updated your thread's title, as the problem may be OS specific.
figured out the problem for the chromecast: even gen3 doesn't support the h.265  codec yet, only the ultra does

gona have to recode it all the larger h.264 codec i guess

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OSMC : Streaming H.265 content gives black screen with audio0