Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
2 PVR addons at once?
Is it possible to run 2 PVR addons at once?  I use the PVR addon for HD Homerun DVR subscribers  and I want to supplement that with a few custom movie channels I have made.  I am thinking I can import my custom channels via the IPTV plugin but I want to know that this will add these new channels from the existing ones I already get from the silicondust HDHR addon if that makes sense.  Thanks.
Yes multiple pvr addons are possible.
I'm doing it myself with DVBViewer and the Simple PVR addon for the same reason that you are planing. Keep in mind the streaming from my Emby plugin to Kodi is experimental. I'm curious about your feedback.
Puenktchen thanks for your advice.  Out of curiosity why did you choose simple pvr addon over something like IPTV?  when I get a chance I'll provide some feedback on how things go.
Oh, i think we are talking about the same Kodi pvr addon. The official name is "PVR IPTV Simple Client".

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