(2020-02-19, 23:17)Karellen Wrote: If konon needs to add some more information to one of your posts, he just needs to write up what needs to be added. Then he can either PM me or one of the other mods, or he can post his changes in a new post in the thread and we will copy and paste it into the first post, then we will delete the post requesting the change.
ok as i unterstand you correctly my request is not possible.
i know it's also not possible to change a post ownership.
but mods like you @
Karellen are able to edit posts? Also on source code level?
for example this is the source code of the well maintained #2 list ->
short linking concept recapitulation:
list is linking to post of the preview images of the poster set of a movie
in this poster set there is a also link to the KyraDB movie entry with the original artwork content.
in the KyraDB movie entry there are 2 big buttons linking back to IMDB or TMDB
So 1 click to previews, and 2 clicks to the content.
hm... it sounds a bit complicated to to that...
Would you maybe agree permission for a own thread for the list? and i delete #2 of my list.
So just outsourcing the list.
If you think 3 threads for this project is bit too much for this tiny project i can delete the discussion thread (it's only for keep the content thread clean but still can talk about)
on @
Konon's new thread the list is placed and discussion and stuff can be continued under it.