Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Can Kodi's interface be scaled to Title Safe but not it's video?
So, here's the scenario, I recently setup a desk for retro PC gaming with a 98/ME and an XP machine ,there's also my 21" Trinitron CRT TV there.  So my plan is to use my Lenovo M93P Tiny in that space so I can watch TV while I play The Sims like it's 1999.  This will involve using an HDMI to component adapter on the Lenovo.  Obviously, I can just scale everything out of the TV into title safe but most of the video content has already accounted for that.  So, is it possible to have the video in Kodi playing 'edge to edge' but it's entire skin/GUI scaled in to title safe areas for usability on the TV?  I do know that the INVERSE is possible, I found in the menu I could easily just scale in and squeeze the video as I pleased, but that's not what I'm looking for here.

This is a bit out of my wheelhouse since the last time I used Kodi on a CRT it was on an Xbox and since then I've purposefully made sure that any HDTV I've bought could disable any sort of 'zoom/cropping' to ensure PC interfaces display edge to edge like a PC monitor would.
Ohhh, there's a GUI Zoom in skin options!  Cool!

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Can Kodi's interface be scaled to Title Safe but not it's video?0