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Solved 18.6 can play rar movies for 7min then they just crash
Worked as a charm in 18.5.
Here is debug:
Btw what is this: 2020-03-06 16:47:41.542 T:11100 ERROR: AddOnLog: RAR archive support: CRARControl::GetPassword: invalid data (no/invalid data file found at 'C:\Users\snyft\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\addon_data\vfs.rar\\rar-control.xml') ?
I don't have any passworded files.
If i use the archive plugin it can play without crashing. It does crash om scan if i use archive though. Fun times...
Maybe relevant to your issue...
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(2020-03-06, 19:59)Karellen Wrote: Maybe relevant to your issue...

I have only used the RAR addon it have worked fine since it was split to addons from core.
Edit: 2.0.8 and 18.5 works fine.
Must be some problem with 2.2.0
There is no difference between an addon for v18.5 and an addon for v18.6
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(2020-03-06, 20:38)Karellen Wrote: There is no difference between an addon for v18.5 and an addon for v18.6

It says on 2.2.0 to only use it for 18.6 and for 18.5 to use 2.0.8.
Oh, right. My mistake then. Where did you see that? I am probably not the best person to advise with rar addons as I never use them, so have no experience with them.

You can find older versions here...
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(2020-03-06, 21:11)Karellen Wrote: Oh, right. My mistake then. Where did you see that? I am probably not the best person to advise with rar addons as I never use them, so have no experience with them.

You can find older versions here...
It says in the addon xml description or when you view it in kodi.
Thank you Smile
RAR archive support v2.2.0 has issues. I would recommend for now to use, available here:  I've tested it with Kodi 18.6 on Windows 10 x64 & Android ARMV7 and haven't noticed any issues.

Be sure to uninstall 2.2.0 first, then install 2.0.8 and disable auto-update.
(2020-03-07, 04:20)toothandnail Wrote: RAR archive support v2.2.0 has issues. I would recommend for now to use, available here:  I've tested it with Kodi 18.6 on Windows 10 x64 & Android ARMV7 and haven't noticed any issues.

Be sure to uninstall 2.2.0 first, then install 2.0.8 and disable auto-update.

Thx, i have installed the RAR Archive support 2.0.8 addon. All works without any issues.

Greets Han`
Thread marked solved.
I just noticed the same issue and thought it was an issue with the new Kodi update that seems to have been released (based on the Play Store dates). It not only affected playback but also seeking more than a 1-5 minutes ahead. After having installed version 18.6 downloaded from the website and not seeing any changes, I found this thread after googling potentially relevant lines in the kodi log (though from my understanding that error simply indicates that rar-control.xml is missing, source.). Sure enough, reverting the vfs.rar plugin to 2.0.8 seems to have solved the problem. Smile

While the experience above only serves to confirm the suggested fix, the one new part might be that the vfs.rar v2.2.0 addon exhibits the same issues on 18.6 as well, at least on Android (64-bit build). Based one of the commit messages, it seems the bug referred to in the plugin description is about incorrect folder contents being shown so that might simply be a different bug. Maybe this last point is of interest for @alwinus? Given the large (and awesome) plugin update, it's hardly unreasonable for a few bugs to have crept in too. If futher logs with the latest version of the plugin on 18.6 are needed, let me know. I'd be happy to temporarily reinstall the new one in order help. Smile

EDIT: It seems like he's already aware of the issue (link). My offer of helping with logs still stands of course. Smile

EDIT 2: Version 2.2.1 seems to have solved this issue now with Kodi 18.6. Playback and seeking appears to be back to normal now, but with better archive support as a bonus.
Hi, is vfs rar 2.08 still aviable anywhere? i still have a lot of problems with crashes and want to go back to last stable for me, that were 18.5 with rar vfs 2.0.8, cant find it on the mirror
(2020-03-24, 16:32)marhah Wrote: Hi, is vfs rar 2.08 still aviable anywhere? i still have a lot of problems with crashes and want to go back to last stable for me, that were 18.5 with rar vfs 2.0.8, cant find it on the mirror
Could be same issue i have:
If you don't want to move or delete the subs i got 2.0.8 for windows here:
Thanks! Yes it could well be the same bug, it does crash on trying to read sub rars on some cases, i could post logs if it would help, got time to tinker now...

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18.6 can play rar movies for 7min then they just crash0