Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Kodi standalone or Kodi & Plex?
When Kodi 18 first appeared, it wouldn't install on my QNAP TS-251+ NAS. So I installed the Plex server and Plex player. Somewhere down the line, Kodi 18.x could be installed and I could use it. I then installed PKC (PlexKodiConnect) by croneter to enable a connection between Kodi and the Plex server, and therefore not needing the Plex player.

Now I'm beginning to wonder if that is a optimum setup. I understand that the Plex server is transcoding my MKV and MP4 video files, and Kodi is just displaying the output on my TV.

Would I gain anything by uninstalling the Plex server and let Kodi handle everything?

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Kodi standalone or Kodi & Plex?0