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stop downloading extrathumbs and extrafanart
how can I stop EMM downloading extrathumbs or extrafanart

I noticed the images are often the same images
Disable "Settings => Movies => Files and Sources => File Naming => Extrafanarts / Extrathumbs"
(2020-03-24, 15:37)DanCooper Wrote: Disable "Settings => Movies => Files and Sources => File Naming => Extrafanarts / Extrathumbs"


do you know why extra Extrafanarts / Extrathumbs has the same artwork
and why don't you disable one of them checkbox by default since they have the same artwork?

what skin makes use of the Extrafanarts / Extrathumbs?
The source for extrafanarts and extrathumbs is the same: fanarts!
The different is that extrafanarts are used as alternative fanarts slideshow in the (Kodi) library and extrathumbs are used in the information dialog of a movie and should show some (usually 4 images if any are displayed) "in-movie" images.
However, since the providers still do not distinguish between "artificially" created and real "in-movie" fanarts or mark them accordingly, you have to select the pictures manually if you want a good result.

Ember 2.x will get a function that automatically creates the extrathumbs from the video file.

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