Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
How to remove single title from library?
I currently have the main server with mariadb on it in my home. My folks have a cat 7 cable in a conduit underground from my house to theirs. They right now have a box connected to my server where they can use the media, but I've given them their own video DB in mariadb.

I've had a few bad experiences with the clean feature and I'm afraid to just randomly run it from my home where I have ssh access to their machine. I just now went over and manually removed a title from the library, then came back and removed the movie from the server. I'm hoping there may be a way to glob the movie title with sql commands, or something similar that doesn't force me to use the clean feature? Even if it's still in the db if I can just get it to be removed from the visible library in kodi that would make me happy. I haven't much clue with sql and as always, terrified to wipe it out. I've got backups but it's just something I'd rather not risk on random tests. Any suggestions?

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