Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Permanently play Kodi
Is it somehow possible to change Kodi that way:
  1. After Start of Kodi Start a radio-url start
  2. If I start a PVR the radio get stopped
  3. If I stop it the radio get started again
I also have problems with the Playlist. I'm not able to mix content (audio,video, streams)  the current Playlist get lost if I change the media.
  1. If I start a Playlist
  2. Sending a new Item by android (video or Audio or Youtube-streams) should get played after the current Item and than get back to the Queue
  3. If I say it should add it to the queue it should also add streams or videos on the last position of the queue

At moment, I think I have missed some configuration option.

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