Req Who can make an Add-on for Orange TV (FRANCE)
And first of all thank you all for the great work you do with and around Kodi.
I wanted to know if someone would have the skills to create an add-on allowing access to Orange TV services, this requires authentication, but I think it remains accessible since now orange tv is accessible directly by any internet browser and not more by a specific application ..
Here is the site link
Have a nice day..
So, no one ?
 was thinking of finding a French encoder who could do this with a few clicks and a few codes ...
Please go.. this add-on if it existed would interest a lot of French subscribers at Orange and who therefore have access to Orange TV.
Thanks again..
Thread moved to the request section.

Please have a little more patience - expecting a response so soon is unrealistic.
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Hi all.
I see that there are not many people to realize this add-on..
Is this achievable ?
Apparently there is a working OrangeTV addon for Orange Czech Republic:
Support Forum:
- needs google translate (I'm not speaking Czech)

It looks like a bunch python scripts around the Orange (IP)TV Playlist defining tags and menus, should be simple to adapt or generalize for other countries (playlists).
I might be also interested in such a generic addon in the future, when switching my provider to Orange.
I started to work on something: Orange TV France.

I'm completely new in Python and Kodi addons, but I figured out the minimum to make a PoC. I'm currently facing an issue while decoding the video stream: licensing server replies with a 400 error. I couldn't find the solution so far, I don't know how to properly set up InputStream Adaptive to reproduce the POST request I retro-engineered from my web browser. If someone is ok to give a hand on that, I'm sure I'm not far...
Windows 11 x64 | Kodi 21 | Developer of Orange TV France addon
I finally solved that error 400! The addon is currently working with the first 12 channels, I'm working on getting the remaining channel information to load that into the m3u file. Ready to be tested Smile
Windows 11 x64 | Kodi 21 | Developer of Orange TV France addon
Instead of making your own IPTV Simple Client integration, simply add support for the new IPTV Manager:
Oh, thanks for the tip @matthuisman, I'll have a look. That could be interesting also for @wwark from the Catch-up TV & More addon. By the way, the naming convention is not very clear for me: should I prefix my addon name with plugin, service, or script?
Windows 11 x64 | Kodi 21 | Developer of Orange TV France addon
It doesn't actually matter anymore, but plugin would be correct:
Ok, that's what I started to understand. I'll do the renaming to keep things clean.
Windows 11 x64 | Kodi 21 | Developer of Orange TV France addon
I opened a dedicated thread.
Windows 11 x64 | Kodi 21 | Developer of Orange TV France addon

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Who can make an Add-on for Orange TV (FRANCE)0