Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Sorting by Year and Secondary Sort
If I have a movie set and view the contents, by default it's sorts by year, which typically is what I want. I'm making custom sets for home movies so even though I set the premiered date in the NFO the contents of the set will have many files that have the same premiered date. I would expect a secondary sort based on sorttitle but it looks like it's using title. Is there a setting or override for this somewhere? It doesn't seem to be skin specific.
Why not add your home movies as a TV Show instead. Each movie is an episode and you control what order they are in by use of the Season and Episode numbers. Each season can be a year or a recurring event or however else you want to group them. You can also rename the seasons... It also has the added benefit of not cluttering up your movie library.

Another option is this...
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(2020-05-17, 01:01)Karellen Wrote: Why not add your home movies as a TV Show instead. Each movie is an episode and you control what order they are in by use of the Season and Episode numbers. Each season can be a year or a recurring event or however else you want to group them. You can also rename the seasons... It also has the added benefit of not cluttering up your movie library.

Another option is this...

Yea, I might try it out using TV Shows, but I have real TV Shows in my library so that won't make much a difference in that sense but having the seasons/and episodes might be handy. Either way the question about sub-sort is kinda separate from my end goal. I was hoping there's an easy way to change the behavior.

Edit: BTW I've made Custom Video nodes to keep the home movies separated.

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