2020-04-20, 01:56
Hi, I have setup TV headend on Libreelec 9.2.1 on a RPI3. I have used the excellent guide from Mat Huisman here: https://www.matthuisman.nz/2019/02/libre...u.html?m=1 including his playlist.
I am having trouble with the channels 7two, 7mate, 7 and the SBS channels.
I am located in Victoria Australia and are referencing the files for my capital city, I don't have a VPN so I don't think it is geo-blocking.
They work if I import his raw.m3u8 into VLC which for example has the url line:#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="tv.101305030533" tvg-logo="http://i.mjh.nz/au/images/tv.101305030533.png",7mate
But not is I use the TVH-TV.m3u8 which has the URL #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="tv.101305030533" tvg-logo="http://i.mjh.nz/au/images/tv.101305030533.png",7mate
pipe://ffmpeg -loglevel fatal -headers X-Forwarded-For:\\r\nUser-Agent:\ FMLE/3.0\ (compatible;\ FMSc/1.0)\r\n -i http://i.mjh.nz/au/Melbourne/tv.101305030533.m3u8 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -metadata service_name=tv.101305030533 -f mpegts pipe:1
The TVH-TV.m3u8 works for all of the other channels with TVheadend. I have tried other playlists such as the one found here; https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1...edit#gid=0 and they fail to scan as well for these channels.
I am by no means an expert using TVheadend and would appreciate any advice if Is there a way I can get these to play. I presume that it is something on their end rejecting the connection, maybe due to the device?
I am having trouble with the channels 7two, 7mate, 7 and the SBS channels.
I am located in Victoria Australia and are referencing the files for my capital city, I don't have a VPN so I don't think it is geo-blocking.
They work if I import his raw.m3u8 into VLC which for example has the url line:#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="tv.101305030533" tvg-logo="http://i.mjh.nz/au/images/tv.101305030533.png",7mate
But not is I use the TVH-TV.m3u8 which has the URL #EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="tv.101305030533" tvg-logo="http://i.mjh.nz/au/images/tv.101305030533.png",7mate
pipe://ffmpeg -loglevel fatal -headers X-Forwarded-For:\\r\nUser-Agent:\ FMLE/3.0\ (compatible;\ FMSc/1.0)\r\n -i http://i.mjh.nz/au/Melbourne/tv.101305030533.m3u8 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -metadata service_name=tv.101305030533 -f mpegts pipe:1
The TVH-TV.m3u8 works for all of the other channels with TVheadend. I have tried other playlists such as the one found here; https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1...edit#gid=0 and they fail to scan as well for these channels.
I am by no means an expert using TVheadend and would appreciate any advice if Is there a way I can get these to play. I presume that it is something on their end rejecting the connection, maybe due to the device?