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genre fanart if there is no image of the artist
Hi all
Сan I set up a genre fanart to display if there is no image of the artist?
Now if there is no image of the artist a black screen is displayed
(2020-07-10, 16:34)OlegArh Wrote: Hi all
Сan I set up a genre fanart to display if there is no image of the artist?
Now if there is no image of the artist a black screen is displayed

@OlegArh, there is no option currently for that. I understand the request, but I don't think I can implement it like that, since I would have no way of knowing from the skins side what genre or genres are associated with a particular artist. I need to think a bit more about other possible solutions for having other images shown if the artist does not have fanart.


Thanks for the answer, bsoriano.
Maybe I'd better ask about it in the thread ArtistSlideshow?
What do you think?
(2020-07-11, 14:31)OlegArh Wrote: Thanks for the answer, bsoriano.
Maybe I'd better ask about it in the thread ArtistSlideshow?
What do you think?

@OlegArh , so this is happening when Artist Slideshow does not download any images for an artist? If this is the case, then please take a look at the settings of Artist Slideshow, it supports a fallback slideshow, and you configure which is the folder that has the images you want to use.  Thanks.


Thanks, bsoriano.
I configured the display of genre fanart.You should have specified custom location.
What kind of fanart resolution should I have?
At 1920 x 1080 the fanart is cut off
This is the original 1920x1080
(2020-07-13, 13:27)OlegArh Wrote: Thanks, bsoriano.
I configured the display of genre fanart.You should have specified custom location.
What kind of fanart resolution should I have?
At 1920 x 1080 the fanart is cut off
This is the original 1920x1080
@OlegArh , the image control dimensions for the background are 1920 x 1080.  I am using an aspectratio of "scale", which means Kodi will scale up the image so that it fills the control.  This is necessary, since not all fanart images that people have are indeed 1920 x 1080, and if I used an aspectratio of "keep", then there could be a lot of cases where the image does not fill up the space and would look bad.

Since your images are 1920 x 1080, they should not be cut off.  I am not sure what is happening in your case.  I also do not understand what you mean by "You should have specified custom location".

Finally, are we talking here about genre fanart shown when you are browsing music, or are we talking about fanart shown by Artist Slideshow? Please confirm.  Thanks.


Sorry, I mean this (specified custom location) for genre fanart
Yes, genre fanart is cut (first image, text is cropped)
(2020-07-13, 16:13)OlegArh Wrote: Sorry, I mean this (specified custom location) for genre fanart
Yes, genre fanart is cut (first image, text is cropped)
@OlegArh , my apologies for the late reply.  I don't know why this happens.  Can you please try the latest from GitHub? I did have an image in the music visualization with artist slideshow that was there twice.  I have fixed that, but I do not know if that will have any effect on the issue.  Thanks.


(2020-07-20, 14:27)bsoriano Wrote:
(2020-07-13, 16:13)OlegArh Wrote: Sorry, I mean this (specified custom location) for genre fanart
Yes, genre fanart is cut (first image, text is cropped)
@OlegArh , my apologies for the late reply.  I don't know why this happens.  Can you please try the latest from GitHub? I did have an image in the music visualization with artist slideshow that was there twice.  I have fixed that, but I do not know if that will have any effect on the issue.  Thanks.


Put the new version from GitHub images stopped cropping. Thank you for your help, bsoriano! I'm staying on Mediaportal for now,
it's important for me to display genre fanart when playing when there is no image of the artist.I like it better this way. Thank you again

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genre fanart if there is no image of the artist0