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Solved scrape movie with folder name containing both title and original title
My folder name structure mostly follows the Kodi best practice method.
But when the english movie title is not the original one, I use "original title AKA title (year)".
Example: "Bronenosets Potyomkin AKA Battleship Potemkin (1925)".

The movie exists on both IMDb and TMDb and has both title and original title.
TMDb finds the correct movie when searching for both original title and title, but not with original title AKA title.

Unfortunaly, the scraper fails with "WARNING: No information found for item".
I assume it's because it uses the entire folder name.

Is there a way to use the scraper with that?
Like: If a folder name contains the characters " AKA ", please ignore everything before and only use what's after?
(2020-07-16, 22:37)ilf_ Wrote: Like: If a folder name contains the characters " AKA ", please ignore everything before and only use what's after?
Short answer... No.
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(2020-07-16, 22:39)Karellen Wrote: Short answer... No.

And is there a long answer? Smile
The Kodi scanner searches the file or folder name. Through some alogorithms it takes a guess at what the title is and what is garbage in the folder and file name.

Bronenosets Potyomkin AKA Battleship Potemkin (1925)
To Kodi, that is a movie name all the way up to the (year)
There is an advancedsettings.xml entry that allows you to create your own Regex to clean the name, but it only works on everything to the right. So adding AKA to the new Clean regex will remove everything to the right and keep everything to the left, which is exactly the opposite of what you want....

Why not name your folder correctly, but use the aka naming for the file name, then ensure you have the setting "Movies are in separate folders that match the movie title" enabled...
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(2020-07-16, 23:25)Karellen Wrote: There is an advancedsettings.xml entry that allows you to create your own Regex to clean the name, but it only works on everything to the right. So adding AKA to the new Clean regex will remove everything to the right and keep everything to the left, which is exactly the opposite of what you want....
Both "original title" and "title" are correct query strings to identify the movie on TMDb (and IMDb). It shouldn't matter which one the scraper uses. So adding "AKA" to cleanstrings should work.
I will try. Thank you.
(2020-07-16, 23:25)Karellen Wrote: There is an advancedsettings.xml entry that allows you to create your own Regex to clean the name, but it only works on everything to the right. So adding AKA to the new Clean regex will remove everything to the right and keep everything to the left, which is exactly the opposite of what you want....
This worked perfectly. Thanks a lot!
Thread marked solved.
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I created a patch for this and submitted it upstream, it was merged into master a little while ago, should be in the 19.0 release. Thanks again!

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scrape movie with folder name containing both title and original title0