Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Motion/movement more obvious on 4k?
After making the upgrade from a 43" 1080P TV to a 55" 4k TV I'm noticing camera movement and panning more, to the extent the image is quite hard to watch. It's particularly prevalent on reality shows where the camera's aren't mounted on a tripod, and there is alot more up/down, and side to side movement. I've spent weeks tweaking and tuning settings in Kodi and on the TV without any success. I've tried both a LibreELEC htpc (Gemini Lake) and a CoreELEC sbc (Odroid C4) and its doesn't appear to be a device specific issue. 

Has anyone else noticed this after upgrading to 4k? Is it something I just have to live with? 

I have Motion interpolation disabled on the TV, and am using a number of recommended settings scoured from across the internet. I also have refresh rate switching enabled in Kodi.
Unless Kodi is skipping frames I don't think kodi is the cause.  If it's a reality show I assume it is 30(25)p or 60(50)p?   If you are having to convert 30<>25 or 60<>50 that might cause some issue.

scott s.

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Motion/movement more obvious on 4k?0