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Migrate MySql to another server
I have been running kodi for years with MySQL and like to migrate library shares and MySql to another server. This is what I have done so far:

Took a backup of mysql from old server and imported into new server. MySql version is 5.7
Validated xbmc account and did necessary grants.
all the tables are present in new database and row counts match old database.
Updated old path to new path using instructions:

Made changes to advancedsettings.xml
changed the Mysql IP to new server IP.
Updated smb path in sources,xml

Issues: (Kodi 18.8 on Windows)
Kodi starts fine but library is empty. Sources are populated under "Files" and I can play from there. There is nothing under Movies or Shows.
Kodi log shows using the advancedsettings.xml and connecting to Mysql.
What else I need to do? Do I need to update paths in Mysql as they will still pointing to old server?
I do not see much in Log.
Please see log:
(2020-08-09, 18:27)bunts Wrote: Kodi starts fine but library is empty. Sources are populated under "Files" and I can play from there. There is nothing under Movies or Shows.
Kodi log shows using the advancedsettings.xml and connecting to Mysql.

I don't think the database is the problem, and that the migration has gone fine.
If movies or tvshows do not show up, then 9/10 the source path to the video/music location is not working.
It can be a simple thing like differences in upper/lowercase, spaces or other chars in a (new) path.

Your log file doesn't help much as I see no file or path references from your media collection. Only this pops out:
2020-08-09 11:46:51.649 T:11720 DEBUG: CTextureCacheJob::GetImageHash - unable to stat url smb://jondoe24/dpool/shows/Are You Being Served/folder.jpg
2020-08-09 11:46:51.663 T:11720 DEBUG: CTextureCacheJob::GetImageHash - unable to stat url smb://jondoe24/dpool/shows/STNG/folder.jpg
2020-08-09 11:46:51.677 T:11720 DEBUG: XFILE::CWin32SMBDirectory::ConnectAndAuthenticate: Connected to "\\jondoe24\dpool" without username and without password
2020-08-09 11:46:51.677 T:11720 DEBUG: CTextureCacheJob::GetImageHash - unable to stat url smb://jondoe24/dpool/Shows/STENT/folder.jpg

Are you still using SMBv1?
Thanks for looking. Let me check the paths once more. This is an old server running 2012 R2 and so SMBv1 is still active. I may have to look into disabling it.
I have disabled SMBv1 and bounced the server. 

As an exercise, I added a new source and tried to scan it to library. To my surprise, it goes through scanning process (using universal movie scraper) and finds the movies but doesn't update the library. Please see the log below. Could it be MySQL access issue? I see it finds the SMB shares all right. Now it is using userid and password to access share. However, debug log doesn't write any obvious errors.
CRecentlyAddedJob::UpdateVideos() - Running RecentlyAdded home screen update
2020-08-10 11:25:43.413 T:6556   DEBUG: CThumbExtractor:Big GrinoWork - trying to extract thumb from video file 1/1
2020-08-10 11:25:43.413 T:6556   ERROR: InputStream: Error opening, 1/1
2020-08-10 11:25:43.438 T:5172   DEBUG: CThumbExtractor:Big GrinoWork - trying to extract thumb from video file 1/1
2020-08-10 11:25:43.439 T:5172   ERROR: InputStream: Error opening, 1/1
2020-08-10 11:25:43.439 T:9728   DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Pointer.xml) ------
2020-08-10 11:25:43.461 T:5172   DEBUG: CThumbExtractor:Big GrinoWork - trying to extract thumb from video file 1/1
2020-08-10 11:25:43.461 T:5172   ERROR: InputStream: Error opening, 1/1
2020-08-10 11:25:43.469 T:5732   DEBUG: CRecentlyAddedJob::UpdateTotal() - Running RecentlyAdded home screen update
(2020-08-10, 17:36)bunts Wrote: To my surprise, it goes through scanning process (using universal movie scraper) and finds the movies but doesn't update the library. Please see the log below. Could it be MySQL access issue? I

I still doubt it is the database server, as all it does is store text/data.
You could enable the database component in the debug section.
Then RESTART Kodi (without touching the enable/disable option for debugging),
do your scanning thing, and perhaps something shows up.
After enough struggle, I decided to drop  the old database and re-scraped the entire library. A royal pain but better than wasting time with no solution in sight. Thanks. Apparently Kodi has its own set of quirks even in the 18th iteration. No wonder many people prefer Plex or Emby over it.
(2020-08-12, 14:15)bunts Wrote: Thanks. Apparently Kodi has its own set of quirks even in the 18th iteration. No wonder many people prefer Plex or Emby over it.

Hmm... That's not really the type of gratitude we're after.

Show me a software application that has no quirks whatsoever.
And print "Hello World" doesn't count.
Agree 100%  Smile Had to vent! I mean I have been using Kodi for a long long time but running on older WHS 2011 server. I imagined the migration would be much simplified now. But you know Murphy's law has to come into picture.
Doesn't it always? I'm sticking to MySQL 5.x for now on Ubuntu as a server. That combo has worked for me since XBMC Dharma.

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Migrate MySql to another server0