Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
How to reload skin when device wakes up from sleep?
I have Kodi v18.8 running on multiple devices with a shared MariaDB. One of the devices is a Shield TV that has Kodi always running and is simply put to sleep when not used.

Everything works fine, but there's a minor annoyance: When I wake it up from sleep, the skin isn't up-to-date. Widgets on the home screen doesn't reflect what's recently been played on other devices.

Since I use Home Assistant to automate my living room lights and window shades based on Kodi's state, playing/paused/idle/off, my initial thought was to let Home Assistant trigger Kodi's XBMC.ReloadSkin() function via JSON-RPC when the state changes from 'off'. I was disappointed to find that the function is not accessible via JSON-RPC.

Any suggestions for a work-around? Maybe I'm overlooking something obvious. Thanks.
One other option is to remap one of your keys of your remote or keyboard, and do a skin refresh manually with a single button.


Triggering it via a wake-up is a bit more complex I think.
That's how I have it mapped on all my devices, but the Shield TV remote just doesn't have enough buttons.

I could of course add a refresh option to the skin itself, but a manual step just doesn't pass the spouse-acceptance-factor and goes against my current home-automation mindset.

I guess I'm going to have to go with a bit rubbish solution like having the keypress sent via the Harmony Hub until something better comes along. The logitech remote itself isn't used in that room.

Thanks anyway.

Mustn't have been thinking straight when I wrote that. I could just trigger a key event via JSON-RPC.
I'm thinking there might be a way to create a service addon that creates an xbmc.Monitor() object that can capture the wake up, then do a skin reload?

scott s.

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How to reload skin when device wakes up from sleep?0