Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Is it now possible to change the order of library scanning - TV *first*, then movies
If the "Update Library" command in the slide menu on the left would only activate the scan for the section it is in, movies or tvshows, that would already be quite helpful to me.
Yea, I had that problem with scans being ignored because a scan was already going.  In my external script I just wait for Kodi to send the scan complete message to websocket and then trigger the next scan. Sounds like you figured out something similar.
Yep - I'm just using a monitor with `onScanFinished` - I've found websockets to be not 100% reliable in the past, but haven't worked with them enough to know where the issue was - basically I just wrote a test listener, then did a bunch of stuff in Kodi, and noticed most messages were getting through, but a few were missed.  Probably a concurrency type thing, I guess.

The monitor approach is nice and easy, though.

I've whacked it here for now until I work out what I am doing with it -
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Is it now possible to change the order of library scanning - TV *first*, then movies0