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Solved Local Posters/Thumbs
Would someone please help me understand use of local posters in Kodi? For some older movies (especially Bollywood), universal scraper doesn't find a poster. I can find the posters elsewhere and download them locally. While choosing a thumb, Kodi allows me to browse to a local drive but NOT to a network share in Windows (choose thumb -> poster -> browse). It is a problem for getting a local thumb to non-windows devices like a FireTV stick. I would like to store such posters to a network share on the same server where I have MySQL running and point Kodi to pick local posters from there. Is it doable? Thanks.
Should be.  The first item in the list when browsing should be *Item folder and your poster should be in that. 

Learning Linux the hard way !!
Not really. The *item refers to the folder if movie is in its own folder. All my movies are in just one folder (flat folder).
It should still work.  In my screenshot both 'Extra Movies' and 'musicvideos2' are networked locations.  You need to add whatever directory you want to store the images in as a source in Kodi but set the content to None so Kodi doesn't try to scrape it.  The directory should then be listed in the dialog.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
That’s the trick I was after.  Thanks.
I find it best to always add the top level of any potential source via File Manager, that then allows them to be browsed from anywhere you get a folder selection dialog.
Thread marked solved.
Learning Linux the hard way !!

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