Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
General Question about addon-GUIs
There have been some fantastic efforts by various users to bring support for outside services like Netflix and Disney+ to KODI. Genuinely thankful for that!

I'm just curious as to what the limitation is behind those addons looking as they do? As in, looking like a tiered file-system rather than a graphical interface like Netflix on the web or like your personal movie/TV repositories.

Is there a specific reason or limitation as to why addon developers don't/can't make the addon look like it's original counterpart?
nope, there's nothing stopping addon devs from creating a custom gui.

it's more work of course, and it may look less integrated with the rest of kodi...
perhaps that's one of the reasons why many devs prefer to keep it simple.
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I support a very low use addon that doesn't look anything like Kodi.  The hardest part for me was the skin has be kept pretty much independent from the kodi skin because you don't know what skin the user is going to use.  Includes, variable etc just won't work.

Thanks for the replies. Helps me better understand. Smile

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General Question about addon-GUIs0