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Have the Menu/GUI match the fps of the last media played?

Is there any way to have the Kodi GUI/Menus FPS the same as the last media player?

The issue I have is, if I set the GUI to be 4k and 60 fps and play a 23.976 fps movie, I have to wait for my projector to switch from 60 to 23.976, which takes 10-20 seconds.

Then, when the film finishes, I have to wait for it to switch from 23.976 to 60... Then select another film and switch back to 23.976.

Is there anyway to just have the Menu match the fps of the last content played and therefore only switch if I change from a film to a TV show.

Yes you can do this, just change Adjust display refresh rate to 'On Start'
Be aware of this please:

On some systems this may cause stuttering when navigating the menu system after playback stops

If you watch a movie and change the refreshrate "On start" of a movie only, the GUI will be presented in 23.976 for example. Which is less than the half of what you had before. So it might look a bit laggy. 
(2020-09-16, 16:12)dannyboyuk Wrote: which takes 10-20 seconds

Just out of curiosity....which projector is that? I never heard of a projector which takes that long for a refreshrate switch. That's normally done in 2-3 seconds. And my projector is already about 7 years old now.
(2020-09-16, 16:15)FXB78 Wrote: Yes you can do this, just change Adjust display refresh rate to 'On Start'

Thanks, will take a look!
(2020-09-17, 08:27)DaVu Wrote: Be aware of this please:

On some systems this may cause stuttering when navigating the menu system after playback stops

If you watch a movie and change the refreshrate "On start" of a movie only, the GUI will be presented in 23.976 for example. Which is less than the half of what you had before. So it might look a bit laggy. 
(2020-09-16, 16:12)dannyboyuk Wrote: which takes 10-20 seconds

Just out of curiosity....which projector is that? I never heard of a projector which takes that long for a refreshrate switch. That's normally done in 2-3 seconds. And my projector is already about 7 years old now.

Thanks for heads up, will see how I get on.

I have a JVC x7900 with a Lumagen Pro, so whilst the picture is amazing, sometimes it takes a while to settle down after fps change. Funnily enough, it handles resolution change a lot better/quicker.
Interesting. I own a JVC x3 and it's way faster. But good to know. Thanks

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Have the Menu/GUI match the fps of the last media played?0