2020-07-24, 23:09
(2020-07-24, 21:50)snoopyjoe Wrote: omething like...
<onload>AlarmClock(StartupDelay,PlayMedia(VIDEO LOCATION),00:00,silent)</onload>
This would allow the Kodi splash screen to appear. Then since the skin is loaded next, the boot video you choose would load immediately after checking the startup.xml.
If you look at the Unfussy skin I modified, I have a similar line in the startup.xml. Its difference is that it looks for the location based off the input from the skin settings.
Unfussy MOD
Thanks. I tried your code out in my startup.xml
But its the same "problem". The skin loads up and my main menu appears for about 1 second and then the videofile is playing. So it is not looking like an splash or intro animation.
I would also like to try out your code from your modified skin.
<onload condition="!String.IsEmpty(Skin.String(StartVideo))">AlarmClock(StartupDelay,PlayMedia($INFO[Skin.String(StartVideo)]),00:00,silent)</onload>
But where is the part of the video location path?