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SQL Query to Playlist

I have a SQL Query that I would like to access/run inside of KODI, ideally as a playlist, is this possible?

Can I convert the query to a playlist or is there an addon that will let me run the SQL Query and display the results?

Thanks in advance.
I don't think Kodi has enough magic powers just yet to directly convert & execute SQL queries which are manually entered or otherwise.
There is no add-on to do that AFAIK.
Kodi does not let addons fire raw SQL at any of the databases, image the havoc a rogue addon could do, hence extremely unlikely in the future. I understand the desire, especially if you are knowledgeable in SQL, but it isn't part of Kodi by design.

Smart playlists have a variety of parameters that can be combined, are you sure that you can't achieve what you want using them?
(2020-09-27, 13:54)DaveBlake Wrote: Kodi does not let addons fire raw SQL at any of the databases, image the havoc a rogue addon could do, hence extremely unlikely in the future. I understand the desire, especially if you are knowledgeable in SQL, but it isn't part of Kodi by design.

Smart playlists have a variety of parameters that can be combined, are you sure that you can't achieve what you want using them?

Hi Dave,

Yeh that does make sense and to be honest no I'm not sure that a smart playlist can't achieve it as its a relatively simple query.

I've attached it here in PasteBin if you could take a look please and tell me if it's possible:

In simple terms I have duplicate movies in both 1080p and 4K. I don't delete the 1080p version until I have watched the 4K version.

This query looks for duplicate titles which have a >0 play count (and that don't have a blank ID and aren't equal to a certain ID).

Thank you for your help.
Play count can certainly be a smart playlist rule as can name but not TMDB id, so no I don't think you can achieve what you want with a smart playlist or filtering from the sideblade. Sorry.

All I can suggest is listing titles sorted by title, which shows  watched with a tick and the format details or the current movie at the bottom.

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SQL Query to Playlist0