Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Skip unreachable Media Library scan
If I have multiple media libraries (all of them are on the network), is there a possibility to only scan the reachable libraries and not stuck on the unreachable ones?
I'm guessing you mean sources rather than libraries?

If so, go to videos > files in the main menu and then open the context menu for the source you want to scan and select "scan for new content".

That will do a scan, but only on that selected source. Rinse and repeat for each source you want to scan.
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Kodi Blog Posts
(2020-10-03, 10:55)DarrenHill Wrote: I'm guessing you mean sources rather than libraries?

If so, go to videos > files in the main menu and then open the context menu for the source you want to scan and select "scan for new content".

That will do a scan, but only on that selected source. Rinse and repeat for each source you want to scan.
Yes I meant sources.
Unfortunately I don't have button for context menu. I am using Kodi on a TV. Kodi is automatically searches for new content on all of the sources at startup or if I force update with the 'Update library' sidebar menu on the movie listing view, but if one of the sources is unreachable then it does not continue the search on the other sources. That is very unfortunate. But thanks for the tip!
On some devices a long-press can act to bring up the context menu. Try that perhaps?

There must be some way to access the context menu from the TV? If you're using CEC (wiki) then you can probably set up a keymap (wiki) to set a button for it, if there isn't one already. On my TV it automatically maps one of the remote's buttons to that function.

You can also enable or disable the scan at start-up in the settings menu (settings > media settings > library > video library > update library on startup).
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Kodi Blog Posts
(2020-10-04, 13:30)DarrenHill Wrote: On some devices a long-press can act to bring up the context menu. Try that perhaps?

There must be some way to access the context menu from the TV? If you're using CEC (wiki) then you can probably set up a keymap (wiki) to set a button for it, if there isn't one already. On my TV it automatically maps one of the remote's buttons to that function.

You can also enable or disable the scan at start-up in the settings menu (settings > media settings > library > video library > update library on startup).

Yes I am using CEC, and it does not map this function to any button, and not all buttons are mappable - in fact very few buttons are mappable (arrow buttons, OK and back).
Yes I know that it can be enabled/disabled. And I enabled this feature because I don't want to manually update every time Smile
I think there should be some timeout on the source scan. It is not a big deal.

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