Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Google TV ui
Not sure where to put this, but how can i have the same experience as google tv , or as close to?
Currently using embruary skin.. it gets close but not the same
Other skin is the arctic horizon, but havent tried.

Skin is one thing..
But i would love to have the same home screen.. but also with:
- google assistant search
- the recommendations over all platforms (kodi local stuff, netflix etc etc)
- been able to have the google watchlist
- able to rate something

So in short, the closet experience to google tv (just buying new chromecast is not an option you all know why if ur here: p)
(2020-10-08, 13:13)Skank Wrote: Nobody?

I'm guessing that "Google assistant search" and "Google watchlist" will require specific add-ons or even major surgery within Kodi, if it is to be supported cross-platform. And we could mean proprietary software here, which doesn't sit well with the open-source conception.

A skin itself could mimicked, but not every related business is pleased with skins identical to their own products. Fore example, Sky has issued such take-down notices.

So there are several obstacles here.
Actually the embruary skin can get me very close..
I dont have the rating then but maybe i need to use the trakt addon.
Can"t remember though if i had a list there

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