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won't scan subfolders
Kodi works fine with my Synology, scans, updates everything is fine.
However, trying to get Kodi to read and scrape my QNAP is another thing. I've spent days messing around with different settings etc on QNAP, thinking the whole time it is the permissions that are at fault, but then it dawned on me, my TV through the built in media player can see and scan and play my media library off the QNAP, but Kodi, running off the same TV, can see the root folder, it can see the subfolder, it can see the subfolder but it won't populate or scan it. you know when adding a source, (TV in this case), and you drill down the subfolders, there is a subtle difference between the folder icon, you know its not going to work when the folder is solid. That is all I see, I get to the final level and I just get the kodi "blip" noise, and thats it.
THis on NFS, and I as I say, I've tried muchos muchos settings for workgroups, user permissions, media folders, NFS rights etc etc on the QNAP, I can continue to see the folders in my panasonic TV media player, but depending on varying permissions, it affects how far I can drill down in Kodi. 
To me it is a Kodi problem, I can't see what else I can do in QNAP having exhausted every iteration I have tried.

Or am I just gonna be told to use SMB instead? which isn't really a solution, its just a work around.

A Debug Log which captures you attempting to scrape your library is needed, thanks.
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A few basic things to check:
  • Check that you've got recursive scan set up for the movie scraper (it should be by default).
  • Check that your QNAS NFS permissions are set to allow you to access content (including sub-folders) in the root shared folder.
  • Check if you put something in the root folder of the share if you can access and play that.
  • Check if you can access and play stuff directly via the videos > files menu option in Kodi.

In addition to the debug log (wiki) requested above, it's also helpful if you could briefly describe with a simple diagram what your source file/folder set-up is.
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(2020-10-13, 09:00)DarrenHill Wrote: A few basic things to check:
  • Check that you've got recursive scan set up for the movie scraper (it should be by default).
  • Check that your QNAS NFS permissions are set to allow you to access content (including sub-folders) in the root shared folder.
  • Check if you put something in the root folder of the share if you can access and play that.
  • Check if you can access and play stuff directly via the videos > files menu option in Kodi.

In addition to the debug log (wiki) requested above, it's also helpful if you could briefly describe with a simple diagram what your source file/folder set-up is.

Never mind, I had everything set up and it still wouldn't work, not recursive though as it was a TV not movie folder. Enabled SMB and five minutes later it was working. To be honest I seem to recall having problems with my Synology as well not working on NFS, and that also runs on SMB. So DLNA and SMB is all I have luck with.
TV shows are slightly different - each show needs to be set up in its own folder (although you can have sub-folders for series and specials if you wish) and the important part is that folder needs to have the "selected folder contains a single TV show" flag set. By default that flag is set automatically one level below the root folder of the source, but it can be manually adjusted via the context menu (in the set content item).

If that flag is set incorrectly, then things won't scan properly and you can have all sorts of issues.

See Naming video files/TV shows (wiki) for more details.

As for NFS, you need to ensure it's set up properly including squash (map all users to admin is normally best) and select allow users to map subfolders.
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