First, I would thank you for all the work and involvement in this projet. The plugin is very usefull.
I went through a problem with the character set while making a merge.
First, I generated a (epg) xmltv.xml with a small application called mc2xml.exe (it's supposed to be accepted by schedules direct for instance) to generate the file. I checked, in the application, some options like UTF8. The content of the xmltv file is in french with some special chars.
Second, I imported the file into IPTV Merge. The result as I understand is located in a file there: /.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.iptv.merge/epg.xml.
What happend is that every character has been well imported except for one : Apostrophe (
' ) all others character like : é à â è etc. work except the apostrophe witch is replaced by '
At first, I tought that I did a mistake with the original xmltv file from mc2xml. But I look inside and the ' is there. Well, I decided to bypass for a instant IPTV Merge and linked the original xmltv file directly inside simple IPTV. And the ' is good. It seems that this particular char is problematic in the process of merging.
The merged file epg.xml have &apos AND the xmltv.xml file have the '
I read that ' seems to be the prime char witch could be mess in the merging process with the single quotes char...or there is something i'm missing...
Here the epg.xml file generated by IPTV Merge :
Here the original xmltv.xml file :
ineramuqef (paste)
To make it easier: Do a search with this word : assemblée it will bring you to a sentence where it happened. The word should be : l'Assemblée nationale but the merge process changed it to l'Assemblée nationale.
The ' in french keyboard might be different from the english one? Ho, I also try to switch regional from english to french, keyboard English to french, changed the region default format in Setting/interface. It does the same. I think that french layout is a part of UTF-8 table so it should not make any differences the regional we choose. The regional in interface might do nothing with IPTV Merge since it use other tables?
The version of IPTV Merge is 0.11.2 and Kodi is 18.8, I build the OS last week.
If you could shed some light on that, that would help me.
Thanks for your work.