Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Sync settings and configuration across multiple devices
Hi All,

I am searching for a solution to synchronize the settings and configuration across devices in my home.
I have 3 Raspberry Pi and one android TV and I would to be in-sync in terms of configurations and settings - NOT the library (as iI am not using it...yet).

Mainly I would like to sync: 
  1. Skin Settings
  2. Addons with their configuration
  3. User settings 
  4. System settings (the one that are OS independent) 

I tried to use the default backup script (backup and restore) but is not functioning and i also have searched a lot but i couldn't find a solution for this.
Potentially I could use copy or rsync but I am not familiar with it.

Any ideas?

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Sync settings and configuration across multiple devices0