Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Stop Kodi remembering selected TV Show after using home button
Im currently setting up a super easy to use Kodi for my mother that hopefully doesnt break when she touches it and I want to make it as unconfusing as possible.
A little example to highlight the issue I want to solve:
Lets say I go into TV Shows and select a certain TV Show and a certain season, then I press the home button. If I then reselect "TV Shows" in the main menu it takes me back into the previously selected TV Show & Season. Is there a way for Kodi to always go to all TV Shows and stop remembering the previous location when going home?
One option might be to use the back button (possibly repeatedly) to navigate back out of the hierachy to return to the top level home page rather than directly via the home button?

To my knowledge the remembering is done by design, as that's probably what most users would want. It's one of those ones where different people will want different things for different usage cases, and we can't accomodate everyone...
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Stop Kodi remembering selected TV Show after using home button0