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v19 How to change the Focus of Mainmenu Item at Startup
I have only three categories in my main menu, movies, tv shows and photos. The focus lies always on the third one.
How is that and how can I change that?
I couldn't find the corresponding file for this setting.
(2020-11-30, 17:00)_novalis Wrote: I have only three categories in my main menu, movies, tv shows and photos. The focus lies always on the third one.
How is that and how can I change that?
I couldn't find the corresponding file for this setting.

@_novalis , you cannot.  I suggest that you reorder your menu items so that the third one is the one you want focused at the start.  Another option is to use the vertical menu, and there is a setting that allows you to always start at the first item in the menu. 



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How to change the Focus of Mainmenu Item at Startup0