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Sync watched status for multiple clients accessing same network share
My setup is that I have a network share which is just USB storage on my router. This will be accessed by multiple clients. All I can do on the share is read and write files, I can't install software or anything, which rules out the local network methods here if I'm understanding correctly. The share will be running at all times, but the Kodi clients will only run when they are in use (ie. there can't be a "master" client).

I'm looking for something simple, eg. just have a file on the share that lists which episodes have been watched, and allow all clients to read and update the file. Also tracking playback position of partially watched episodes would be very nice to have. Does anyone know of something like that?
Any machine on your lan that is on 24/7 can hold a docker running mysql maybe. That or if your internet is reliable and decent maybe get a free tier instance with Amazon EC2 and run sql there? That would be my next step if I was in your situation. Worst case it may cost a few cents a month for the static ip. Far less than buying and running a dedicated machine locally. But if the internet goes down you are SOL.

Don't think what you are looking for exists. At best you might be able to put the db file on the share, but that is a whole other ball of wax and idk if it will work. I messed with quite a bit of attempts at library sharing before I ended up with my own mariadb docker running.
Thanks. Nothing on my LAN is up 24/7 except the router, so I was trying to avoid mysql or similar. Interesting idea about the free Amazon server, although it looks like that expires after 1 year. If I'm going to rely on internet servers I might just try something like Trakt.

Actually the WatchedList addon looks like it's exactly what I want, it can read and write from a simple SQLite file on a server (as opposed to an actual database). I'll give that a try.
(2021-01-01, 12:07)FolkSong Wrote: it can read and write from a simple SQLite file on a server (as opposed to an actual database).

SQLite files are still SQL databases, they just use a single file instead of a full blown server. If you are planning to use a single SQLite file with multiple Kodi clients, that is not recommended. The SQLite file solution was never designed for multiple users.

A Raspberry Pi can also easily run a MySQL/MariaDB database server. The vast majority of RPi users run their devices 24/7, the average power consumption is something like 2-2.5Watts, which is next to nothing... I still run a RPi-1B 24/7 as a Pi-Hole solution for my network.

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Sync watched status for multiple clients accessing same network share0