Linux Live TV Video/ AUdio sync issues: SPS unavailable in decode_picture_timing
Since upgrading to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS & mythtv 31 playing live TV has some major video/ audio sync issues. Note live TV plays OK on the mythtv front end, same PC.
Other video plays OK also.

Logs are show hundreds of these repeating error messages
Quote:2021-01-07 15:15:26.774 T:139643714516736   ERROR: ffmpeg[7F0155FFB700]: [NULL] SPS unavailable in decode_picture_timing
2021-01-07 15:15:26.774 T:139643714516736   ERROR: ffmpeg[7F0155FFB700]: [NULL] non-existing PPS 0 referenced
Any help or ideas, anyone?

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Live TV Video/ AUdio sync issues: SPS unavailable in decode_picture_timing0