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Is port forwarding safe?
   So, as the title states, is port forwarding safe? I have a windows 10 HTPC and would like to port forward so I can access my server from anywhere, but I am concerned about getting hacked. Are there some settings to make it secure? Or software? Or is there always a risk regardless? Thanks
(2021-01-10, 20:40)sc1984 Wrote: Hello,
   So, as the title states, is port forwarding safe? I have a windows 10 HTPC and would like to port forward so I can access my server from anywhere, but I am concerned about getting hacked. Are there some settings to make it secure? Or software? Or is there always a risk regardless? Thanks

when you port forward say RDP 3389 then you essentially hope that RDP service is secure (and that applies to any service),
otherwise an attacker can gain access to a network through just 1 vulnerable service.
the thing is most services are not trustworthy enough to be accessible from WAN (public internet facing).

you should use a trustworthy service like a VPN or SSH tunnel (key based) as an intermediate to first access the network and then in the 2nd step access the less secure service like RDP.
you can setup VPN/SSH on some consumer/SOHO routers so that you don't need to run a server 24x7 for that.

edit: VPNs and SSH also had some security flaws in the past, but at least they are used in IT corporate environments (audited, tried and tested), whereas no sane company would make RDP public facing.
(2021-01-10, 20:56)ciukacz Wrote: when you port forward say RDP 3389 then you essentially hope that RDP service is secure (and that applies to any service),
otherwise an attacker can gain access to a network through just 1 vulnerable service.
the thing is most services are not trustworthy enough to be accessible from WAN (public internet facing).

you should use a trustworthy service like a VPN or SSH tunnel (key based) as an intermediate to first access the network and then in the 2nd step access the less secure service like RDP.
you can setup VPN/SSH on some consumer/SOHO routers so that you don't need to run a server 24x7 for that.

edit: VPNs and SSH also had some security flaws in the past, but at least they are used in IT corporate environments (audited, tried and tested), whereas no sane company would make RDP public facing.

 Not a security guy, but if I wanted to access my media this is they way I would go.

scott s.
Moved this thread to the OS Independent forum section.
I dont forward any ports for security reasons.
See the explanation above for alternatives in case you really want to access services inside your network from outside.

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