Two pvr backends (mythtv & tvheadend)
Hi, I've tried searching forum for an answer and not found one - perhaps using wrong search criteria so sorry if answer does exist.
I have new system working well but have this problem. I have both Mythtv and Tvheadend pvr addons. reason for this is My myth box is being retired and TVH is replacing it and kodi doesn't see the myth recordings without the Myth addon. When I select record from kodi tv shedule it's Myth that does the record but as I want to retire that system is it possible to configure so that TVH does the record and not the mythbox.
I know that it should be possible to export(?) recordings from the mythbox to a location kodi can find them (and therefor not need the myth addon) but that seems so much hassle (so far as I can see anyway).
Every channel has exactly one backend associated. So, it might be will the case that you see a channel twice in the guide and channel window - one provided by myth the other provided by tvh. The backend used to record a channel depends on the channel you watch/select to record.
(2021-01-13, 16:19)ksooo Wrote: Every channel has exactly one backend associated. So, it might be will the case that you see a channel twice in the guide and channel window - one provided by myth the other provided by tvh. The backend used to record a channel depends on the channel you watch/select to record.

Thanks for the reply. I only see one of each channel in the guide. It shouldn't take too long to get through the MythBE recordings so If I can't figure that out then for now I can disable the MythBE and only enable it when I need to access it's recordings to watch. I have a more frustrating issue to solve now but that will need a new post.
Solved with workaround see prior post

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Two pvr backends (mythtv & tvheadend)0