2021-01-17, 12:09
2021-01-17, 12:09
I think that proves it's not related to the addon but rather to the rework in Kodi itself. I can start Kodi as many times as I want, it'll always lag even after the epg has been fully loaded. Whereas in Kodi 18 there won't be any lag at all.
2021-01-17, 12:10
Is it maybe just too expensive to selectively load events that get into view when navigating?
2021-01-17, 12:12
2021-01-17, 12:12
I'm running Kodi on my xiaomi mi TV 4s and it runs there considerably smoother than it did on my rpi 3. It's not a high performance device but not really low either.
2021-01-17, 12:15
2021-01-17, 12:19
Well that really doesn't sound too expensive. If there's anything I can do to help narrowing down this issue, let me know.
2021-01-17, 12:27
Does the DB have proper indices on whatever you're filtering by (times or so)?
Couldn't find anything here https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/master...tabase.cpp
Edit: okay seems it does https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/master...tabase.cpp
Couldn't find anything here https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/master...tabase.cpp
Edit: okay seems it does https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/master...tabase.cpp
2021-01-17, 12:31
(2021-01-17, 12:19)kkoa Wrote: If there's anything I can do to help narrowing down this issue, let me know.
Looking at the log you posted: All the "PersistAll: EPG Container: committed xxxx queries in loop", with xxxx being always > 10000, summing up to tens of thousands of db writes, look suspicious. This should happen only on the very first startup of Kodi with the addon freshly enabled (empty epg db), but not on subsequent kodi starts.
Could you please rename your Epg13.db file (and delete any older Epg*.db files). Then start Kodi, give it some time to load and store the EPG data (which is done in chuncks asynchrounously do keep CPU load down, btw). End Kodi, restart it. Does this change anything. If yes, your epg db somehow was broken.
2021-01-17, 12:36
The DB was empty there because I freshly installed Kodi.
I started Kodi again, it would import the epg from the database but navigating is still slow as before.
I started Kodi again, it would import the epg from the database but navigating is still slow as before.
2021-01-17, 12:38
In Kodi 18 navigating in the epg is even blazing fast while epg is being retrieved from the client (not storing it in database)
2021-01-17, 12:38
2021-01-17, 13:00
(2021-01-17, 12:43)kkoa Wrote: https://paste.kodi.tv/ilifomatak.kodi
How are you controlling the Kodi GUI? Using an app?
2021-01-17 11:35:48.350 T:7626 DEBUG <CWebserver[8080]>: request received for /jsonrpc 2021-01-17 11:35:48.364 T:7566 DEBUG <general>: EventClient: button name "left" map "R1" pressed 2021-01-17 11:35:48.372 T:7506 DEBUG <general>: HandleKey: 169 (0xa9, obc86) pressed, action is Left 2021-01-17 11:35:49.798 T:7566 DEBUG <general>: EventClient: button name "right" map "R1" pressed 2021-01-17 11:35:49.810 T:7506 DEBUG <general>: HandleKey: 168 (0xa8, obc87) pressed, action is Right 2021-01-17 11:35:49.866 T:7626 DEBUG <CWebserver[8080]>: request received for /jsonrpc 2021-01-17 11:35:49.878 T:7626 DEBUG <CWebserver[8080]>: request received for /jsonrpc 2021-01-17 11:35:50.027 T:7566 DEBUG <general>: EventClient: button name "right" map "R1" pressed 2021-01-17 11:35:50.038 T:7506 DEBUG <general>: HandleKey: 168 (0xa8, obc87) pressed, action is Right 2021-01-17 11:35:51.415 T:7626 DEBUG <CWebserver[8080]>: request received for /jsonrpc 2021-01-17 11:35:51.430 T:7626 DEBUG <CWebserver[8080]>: request received for /jsonrpc 2021-01-17 11:35:53.001 T:7626 DEBUG <CWebserver[8080]>: request received for /jsonrpc 2021-01-17 11:35:53.053 T:7626 DEBUG <CWebserver[8080]>: request received for /jsonrpc 2021-01-17 11:35:57.145 T:7626 DEBUG <CWebserver[8080]>: request received for /jsonrpc
Does it make a difference if you use the remote of the device / a keyboard? Just guessing...
2021-01-17, 13:05
Tried again with remote. No difference
The thing is it's not slow when I move between the events that are on screen. It will be become slow when I move right or left to what's not currently being displayed.
The thing is it's not slow when I move between the events that are on screen. It will be become slow when I move right or left to what's not currently being displayed.